Older things from while I was a Cand. Scient. student at Univ. of Copenhagen:

  1. Homotopigrupper og overlejringer. Bachelor thesis (with K. Andersen, U. of Copenhagen 1994).
  2. K-teori for C*-algebraer. Graduate project (with K. Andersen, U. of Copenhagen 1995).
  3. Noncommutative topology - Homotopy functors and E-theory. Graduate project (with K. Andersen, U. of Copenhagen 1997).
  4. H*V Approximations - The structure of unstable algebras with applications to spaces. Master's thesis (U. of Copenhagen 1997).
  5. A Baues fibration category structure on Banach and C*-algebras. Unpublished manuscript, 1997 (with K. Andersen).

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