Magdalena E. Musat

Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Universitesparken 5
2100 Copenhagen Ø

Phone: (45) 3532 0745
Office: 04.2.05

My main mathematical interests are in the fields of Functional Analysis and Operator algebras, and their interplay with analytic, geometric and probabilistic aspects of group theory, noncommutative probability theory, analysis in quantum information theory.

Head of studies (Studieleder) for the Master’s Program in Mathematics.

Organizer of the Department colloquium and of the Harald Bohr Lectures.


Curriculum Vitae


  1. Extreme Points and Factorizability for New Classes of Unital Quantum Channels (with U. Haagerup and M.B. Ruskai),
    Annales H. Poincare, to appear. arXiv:2006.03414

  2. Factorizable maps and traces on the universal free product of matrix algebras (with M. Rørdam),
    Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN., to appear. arXiv:1903.10182

  3. Non-closure of quantum correlation matrices and factorizable channels that require infinite dimensional (with M. Rørdam),
    Comm. Math. Phys., 375 (2020), no. 3, 1761-1776. arXiv:1806.10242

  4. Just-infinite C*-algebras (with R. Grigorchuk and M. Rørdam),
    Commentarii Math. Helvetici, 93 (2018), no. 1, 157-201. arXiv:1604.08774

  5. An asymptotic property of factorizable completely positive maps and the Connes embedding problem (with U. Haagerup),
    Comm. Math. Phys.338 (2015), 721-752. arXiv:1408.6476

  6. Factorization and dilation problems for completely positive maps on von Neumann algebras (with U. Haagerup),
    Comm. Math. Phys. 303 (2011), 555-594. arXiv:1009.0778

  7. Classification of hyperfinite factors up to completely bounded isomorphism of their preduals (with U. Haagerup),
    J. Reine Angew. Math. 630 (2009), 141-176. arXiv:0706.3463

  8. The Effros-Ruan conjecture for bilinear maps on C*-algebras (with U. Haagerup),
    Inventiones Mathematicae 174 (2008), 139-163. arXiv:0711.1851

  9. On the best constants in noncommutative Khintchine-type inequalities (with U. Haagerup),
    J. Funct. Analysis 250, no. 2, (2007), 588-624. arXiv:0611160

  10. A noncommutative version of the John-Nirenberg theorem (with M. Junge),
    Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 359, no. 1 (2007), 115-142. arXiv:0410121

  11. On the operator space UMD property for noncommutative Lp-spaces
    Indiana Univ. Math. J. 55, no. 6 (2006), 1857-1892.

  12. The condenser problem (with J. Bliedtner),
    Potential Analysis 21 (2004), 177-192.

  13. Interpolation between non-commutative BMO and non-commutative Lp-spaces,
    J. Funct. Analysis 202 (2003), 195-225.

  14. On strong Darboux property
    Stud. Cerc. Mat. 44 (1992), no. 4, 305-307.

Oberwolfach reports

  1. Infinite dimensional aspects of the analysis of quantum information theory, with M. Rørdam, Oberwolfach Reports (2019), to appear.
  2. Factorization and dilation problems for completely positive maps on von Neumann algebras, with U. Haagerup, Oberwolfach Reports 7, issue 1 (2010), 718-719.
  3. The Effros-Ruan conjecture for bilinear maps on C*-algebras, with U. Haagerup, Oberwolfach Reports 5, issue 3 (2008), 2157-2159.

Preprints and papers in preparation

  1. Infinite dimensional phenomena in quantum information theory and the Connes Embedding Problem. Survey paper for the Proceedings of the IWOTA 2021, Lancaster, in preparation.
  2. On factorizable quantum channels with finite dimensional ancillas, in preparation.
  3. Finite dimensional approximations of hyperfinite martingales, in preparation.
  4. Notes on noncommutative Lp-spaces (the tracial case) (with Bruce Driver), Preprint, 2005.

Conferences Organized (selected)


Ph.D. students

Masters students

Masters projects and PUKs

Bachelor students

Current teaching

Previous teaching

Last modified: March 26, 2019