Note regarding my interest - and not so good results - regarding teaching in general topology and the theory of measure- and integration: I am very critical regarding the way this is taught and has been taught for many years at my university. In general topology I only mention one major defect: there is little use of the notion of nets (generalized sequences). Regarding the theory of measure- and integration our course is old fashioned, tied far too much to the euclidean spaces. No exploitation of insight gained since about 1960, according to which you can treat topological- as well as abstract measure theory at the same time. The course material developed by my colleagues in the two areas discussed is well thought out, following the high standards and prioritization of teaching in Denmark in general. But, as stated, rather narrow minded as I see it.

My colleagues look with some scepticism at my views and with the decline in the quality of students entering university and with the (wrong!) detoriation of our teaching the first year at university, it is now true that students are not prepared well enough for more abstract and advanced teaching in areas pointed to until after the bachelor degree. Anyhow, when I was finally entrusted with teaching the courses pointed to I failed to show the way. This also depended on several other facts than those pointed to. I shall not go into this. But one day, given the time, I would like to develop suitable course material to cover the areas discussed. ... but now my tme is take up by other interests.