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(* = joint authorship)


  1. Feliu E*, Henriksson O* (2024) Toricity of vertically parametrized systems with applications to reaction network theory. arXiv:2411.15134. [Arxiv]
  2. Feliu E*, Henriksson O*, Pascual-Escudero B* (2024) The generic geometry of steady state varieties. arXiv:2412.17798. [Arxiv]
  3. Feliu E*, Kaihnsa N* (2024) Network reduction and absence of Hopf bifurcations in dual phosphorylation networks with three intermediates. arXiv:2405.16179. Submitted. [Arxiv]
  4. Feliu E*, Henriksson O*, Pascual-Escudero B* (2024) Generic consistency and nondegeneracy of vertically parametrized systems. arXiv:2304.02302v3. Submitted. [Arxiv]

  5. Peer-Reviewed Publications

  6. Telek M, Feliu E (2023) Topological descriptors of the parameter region of multistationarity: deciding upon connectivity. Plos Computational Biology. DOI: journal.pcbi.1010970. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  7. West R, Delattre H, Noor E, Feliu E*, Soyer OS* (2023) Dynamics of co-substrate pools can constrain and regulate pathway fluxes in cell metabolism. Elife 12:e84379. [Journal][BioRxiv]
  8. Feliu E*, Kaihnsa N*, de Wolff T*, Yürük O* (2023) Parameter region for multistationarity in n−site phosphorylation networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 22:3. [Journal][Arxiv]
  9. Feliu E*, Walcher S*, Wiuf C* (2022) Critical parameters for singular perturbation reductions of chemical reaction networks. Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32:83. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  10. Feliu E* Telek M L* (2022) On generalizing Descartes' rule of signs to hypersurfaces. Advances in Mathematics. 408(A). [Journal] [arXiv]
  11. Feliu E*, Sadeghimanesh A* (2022) Kac-Rice formulas and the number of solutions of parametrized systems of polynomial equations. Mathematics of Computation, 91, pp 2739-2769. [Journal][Arxiv]
  12. Hayes C, Feliu E*, Soyer O. S.* (2022) Multi-site enzymes as a mechanism for bistability in reaction networks. ACS Synthetic Biology.11:2, pp 596-607. [Journal][Biorxiv][Journal]
  13. Feliu E*, Lax C*, Walcher S*, Wiuf C* (2022) Quasi-steady state and singular perturbation reduction for reaction networks with non-interacting species. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 21:2. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  14. Pascual-Escudero B, Feliu E (2022) Local and global robustness in systems of polynomial equations. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 45:1, pp 359-382. [Arxiv][Journal]
  15. Feliu E*, Kaihnsa N*, de Wolff T*, Yürük O* (2022) The kinetic space of multistationarity in dual phosphorylation. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 34, pp 825–852. [Arxiv][Journal]
  16. Torres A, Feliu E (2021) Symbolic proof of bistability in reaction networks. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 20:1, pp 1-37. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  17. Feliu E*, Rendall A D*, Wiuf C* (2020) A proof of unlimited multistability for phosphorylation cycles. Nonlinearity, 33:11. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  18. Feliu E*, Kruff N*, Walcher S* (2020) Tikhonov-Fenichel reduction for parameterized critical manifolds with applications to chemical reaction networks. Journal of Nonlinear Science. 30, pp. 1355–1380. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  19. Cappelletti D*, Feliu E*, Wiuf C* (2020) Addition of flow reactions preserving multistationarity and bistability. Mathematical Biosciences, 320, 108295 [Arxiv][Journal]
  20. Feliu E (2019) On the role of algebra in models in molecular biology. Journal of Mathematical Biology, Perspective article. 80:4, pp 1159-1161. [Journal]
  21. Conradi C*, Feliu E*, Mincheva M* (2019) On the existence of Hopf bifurcations in the sequential and distributive double phosphorylation cycle. Mathematical Biosciences and Enginnering, 17:1, pp 94–513. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  22. Sáez M, Wiuf C, Feliu E (2019) Nonnegative linear elimination for chemical reaction networks. SIAM J Applied Mathematics, 79:6, pp 2434–2455. [Arxiv][Journal]
  23. Feliu E (2019) Sign-sensitivities for reaction networks: an algebraic approach. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16:6, pp 8195-8213. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  24. Feliu E*, Müller S*, Regensburger G* (2019) Characterizing injectivity of classes of maps via classes of matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 580, pp 236-261. [Journal][Arxiv]
  25. Sadeghimanesh A, Feliu E (2019) The multistationarity structure of networks with intermediates and a binomial core network. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81, pp 2428–2462. [Arxiv][Journal]
  26. Sadeghimanesh A, Feliu E (2019) Groebner bases of reaction networks with intermediate species. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 107, pp 74-101. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  27. Feliu E*, Helmer M* (2019) Multistationarity for Fewnomial Chemical Reaction Networks. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81:4, pp 1089–1121. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-018-00555-z. [Arxiv][Journal]
  28. Sáez M, Feliu E, Wiuf C (2019) Linear elimination in chemical reaction networks. In the book Recent Advances in Differential Equations and Applications. SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 18, pp 169-186. Eds. JL García Guirao, JA Murillo Hernández, F Periago Esparza. [Link]
  29. Sáez M, Feliu E, Wiuf C (2018) Graphical criteria for positive solutions to linear systems. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 552, pp. 166-193. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  30. Feliu E, Cappelletti D, Wiuf C (2018) Node Balanced Steady States: Unifying and Generalizing Complex and Detailed Balanced Steady States. Mathematical Biosciences. 301, pp. 68-82. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  31. Conradi C*, Feliu E*, Mincheva M*, Wiuf C* (2017) Identifying parameter regions for multistationarity. PLOS Computational Biology. 13(10): e1005751. [Journal] [Arxiv]
  32. Marcondes de Freitas M, Wiuf C, Feliu E (2017) Intermediates and Generic Convergence to Equilibria. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. 79:7, pp. 1662-1686. DOI: 10.1007/s11538-017-0303-4 [Arxiv] [Journal]
  33. Marcondes de Freitas M, Feliu E, Wiuf C (2017) Intermediates, Catalysts, Persistence, and Boundary Steady States. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 74:4, pp. 887–932. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  34. Sáez M, Wiuf C, Feliu E (2017) Graphical reduction of reaction networks by linear elimination of species. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 74:1, pp. 195-237. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  35. Song F, Sáez M, Wiuf C, Feliu E*, Soyer OS* (2016) Core signalling motif displaying multistability through multi-state enzymes. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13:121, 20160524. [Journal]
  36. Feliu E (2016) Sobre las soluciones positivas de sistemas de polinomios parametrizados en biología. (in spanish). La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española [Journal]
  37. Müller S*, Feliu E*, Regensburger G*, Conradi C, Shiu A, Dickenstein A (2016) Sign conditions for injectivity of generalized polynomial maps with applications to chemical reaction networks and real algebraic geometry. Foundations of Computational Mathematics. 16:1, pp. 69-97. doi:10.1007/s10208-014-9239-3. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  38. Kothamanchu VB*, Feliu E*, Cardelli L, Soyer OS (2015) Unlimited multistability and Boolean logic in microbial signaling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 12:108, 20150234. [Journal]
  39. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2015) Finding the positive feedback loops underlying multi-stationarity. BMC Systems Biology, 9:22. doi:10.1186/s12918-015-0164-0. [Journal]
  40. Jovanovic G, Sheng X, Ale A, Feliu E, Harrington HA, Kirk P, Wiuf C, Buck M, Stumpf MPH (2015) Phosphorelay of non-orthodox two component systems functions through a bi-molecular mechanism in vivo: the case of ArcB. Molecular Biosystems. 11:5, pp. 1348-59. [Journal]
  41. Feliu E (2015) Injectivity, multiple zeros, and multistationarity in reaction networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 471:2173. DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2014.0530. [Arxiv] [Journal]
  42. Amin M, Kothamachu VB, Feliu E, Scharf BE, Porter SL, Soyer OS (2014) Phosphate sink containing two-component signaling systems as tunable threshold devices. PLOS Computational Biology. 10:10, e1003890. [Journal]
  43. Kothamachu VB, Feliu E, Wiuf C, Cardelli L, Soyer OS (2013) Phosphorelays provide tunable signal processing capabilities for the cell. PLOS Computational Biology, 9:11, e1003322. [Journal] [PDF]
  44. Wiuf C, Feliu E (2013) Power-law Kinetics and Determinant Criteria for the Preclusion of Multistationarity in Networks of Interacting Species. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 12 pp. 1685-1721. [Journal]
  45. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2013) A computational method to preclude multistationarity in networks of interacting species. Bioinformatics, 29 pp. 2327-2334. [Journal]
  46. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2013) Simplifying Biochemical Models With Intermediate Species. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 10:87, 20130484. [Journal] [arXiv]
  47. Planas-Iglesias J, Bonet J, García-García J, Marín-López MA, Feliu E, Oliva B (2013) Understanding protein-protein interactions using local structural features. Journal of Molecular Biology, 425 pp. 1210-1224. [Journal]
  48. Harrington H*, Feliu E*, Wiuf C, Stumpf MPH (2013) Cellular compartments cause multistability in biochemical reaction networks and allow cells to process more information. Biophysical Journal, 104:8 pp 1824-1831. [Journal] [arXiv]
  49. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2013) Variable elimination in post-translational modification reaction networks with mass-action kinetics. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 66:1 pp 281-310. [ Journal] [arXiv]
  50. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2012) Preclusion of switch behavior in reaction networks with mass-action kinetics. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 219:4, pp 1449-67. [Journal] [arXiv]
  51. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2012) Variable elimination in chemical reaction networks with mass action kinetics. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics. 72:4 pp 959–981. [Journal] [arXiv]
  52. Feliu E, Wiuf C (2012) Enzyme sharing as a cause of multistationarity in signaling systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9:71 pp 1224-32. [Journal] [arXiv]
  53. Knudsen M, Feliu E, Wiuf C (2012) Exact Analysis of Intrinsic Qualitative Features of Phosphorelays using Mathematical Models. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 300 pp 7-18. [Journal] [arXiv]
  54. Feliu E, Knudsen M, Wiuf C (2012) Signaling cascades: consequences of varying substrate and phosphatase levels. Advances in Systems Biology in Advances in Experimental Medical Biology series. Vol 736, Part 1, pp 81-94. Eds. II Goryanin, AB Goryachev. Springer. [Journal]
  55. Feliu E, Knudsen M, Andersen LN, Wiuf C (2012) An Algebraic Approach to Signaling Cascades with n Layers. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 74:1, pp 45-72. [Journal][arXiv]
  56. Feliu E, Aloy P, Oliva B (2011) On the analysis of protein-protein interactions via knowledge-based potentials for the prediction of protein-protein docking. Protein Science, 20:3, pp 529-541. [Journal]
  57. Feliu E, Oliva B (2010) How different from random are docking predictions when ranked by scoring functions? Proteins, 78:16, pp 3376-85. [Journal]
  58. Burgos Gil JI*, Feliu E* (2012) Higher arithmetic Chow groups. Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici, 87:3 pp 521-587. [Journal] [arXiv]
  59. Feliu E (2011) On uniqueness of characteristic classes. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 215:6, pp 1223-42. [Journal] [arXiv]
  60. Burgos Gil JI*, Feliu E*, Takeda Y (2011) On Goncharov's regulator and higher arithmetic Chow groups. International Mathematics Research Notices, 2011:1, pp 40-73. [Journal][arXiv]
  61. Feliu E (2010) A chain morphism for Adams operations on rational algebraic K-theory. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology, 5:2, pp 349-402. [Journal][arXiv]
  62. Feliu E (2010) Adams operations on higher arithmetic K-theory. Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 46:1, pp. 115-169. [Journal][arXiv]

  63. Book chapters

  64. Planas-Iglesias J, Bonet J, Marín-López MA, Feliu E, Gursoy A, Oliva B (2012) Structural Bioinformatics of Proteins: predicting the tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins from sequence. Chapter 10 in Protein-Protein Interactions, Computational and Experimental Tools, Intech. Edited by Weibo Cai. [Online access]

  65. Other scientific contributions

  66. Feliu E (2004) Function theory of higher logarithms. Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit Aktuellem Thema: Polylogarithms. Oberwolfach Report, 1:4, pp 2543-45. [Journal]

  67. PhD Thesis

  68. On higher arithmetic intersection theory, 2007.
  69. Advisor: José Ignacio Burgos Gil.[Fulltext][Introduction]

    With a qualification of Excellent Cum Laude, with European mention.
    Awarded with the Josep Teixidor Prize from the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Sant Jordi Awards, 2010.