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Supervision/Søren Eilers
- Alexander Frei: Title pending. [19-22]
- Kevin Brix: Topological dynamics, groupoids and C*-algebras [16-19]
James Gabe: Contributions to the classification of C*-algebras and graph algebras.
(Co-supervised with Ryszard Nest)
Rasmus Bentmann, Contributions to the structure theory of non-simple C*-algebras. [10-13]
(Co-supervised with Ryszard Nest)
Adam P.W. Sørensen: Semiprojectivity and the geometry of graphs. [09-12]
Sara E. Arklint: Classification of nonsimple C*-algebras of real rank zero. [08-12]
Rune Johansen: On flow equivalence of sofic shifts. [07-11]
- Gunnar Restorff: Classification of non-simple C*-algebras. [05-08]
Toke Meier Carlsen: Operator Algebraic Applications in Symbolic Dynamics.
MSc theses:
- Anna Zielinski Holm Jordal: Title pending. [22]
- Chris Søndergaard Gassner Nielsen: Title pending. [22]
- Nikolaj Ingemann von Holck: Computer-assisted proofs for polygonal tileability [21]
(Computer science, co-supervised with Mikkel Abrahamsen)
- Stig Eilsøe-Madsen: C*-algebras associated to imprimitivity bimodules. [20]
(Co-supervised with Adam Dor-On)
- Sidsel Sarah Sandal Andersen: The structure of graph C*-algebras. [20]
- Helle Bertelsen: Deciding isomorphism among unital graph C*-algebras. [20]
- Patrick Dinesen: Taylor coefficients for Ramanujan's Delta function. [19]
(Co-supervised with Morten Risager)
- Cathrine Sommer Jacobsen: An Experimental Approach to the Borwein Conjectures. [19]
(Co-supervised with Henrik Laurberg Pedersen)
- Rasmus Rahbek Østergaard: C*-algebras associated to crystallographic groups. [19]
- Malthe Munk Karbo: Simplicity of Crossed Products of C*-algebras. [19]
- Michael Staal-Olsen: An application of symbolic dynamics,
classifying simple Cuntz-Krieger algebras by means of flow equivalence of graphs. [18]
- Tomas Alberto Boisen Medici: On the classification of unital graph C*-algebras. [17]
- Mathis Elmgaard Isaksen: Regularity in the G-sequences of octal games. [17]
- Martin Stemann Madsen: The extension problem for graph algebras. [17]
- Kevin Aguyar Brix: A groupoid approach to Cuntz-Krieger algebras. [16]
- Niklas Hjuler: Smallest critical set and number of solutions for Latin squares and Sudoku. [16]
- Rasmus Mølck Nilsson: On the number of flat LEGO-structures. [16]
(Co-supervised with Michał
- Sune Thostrup Jacobsen & Sarah Ekstrand Halkjær Madsen: The C*-algebras of right-angled Artin monoids. [16]
- Asger Kjærulff Jensen: Semiprojectivity and Graph Algebras. [15]
- Rasmus Gjerulff-Hansen: Applications of proper asymptotic unitary equivalence in KK-theory. [15]
- Mads Thrane: Automatisk beregning af upartiske misère-kvotienter. [12]
- Søren Bjerg Andersen: Dynamiske egenskaber for termomskrivningssystemer [11]
(Co-supervised with Jakob Grue Simonsen)
- Raffaele Rani: Phase Space Structure and Stability in Sequential Dynamical Systems. [10]
(Co-supervised with Poul Hjorth)
- Adam P.W. Sørensen: Semiprojectivity of a Class
of C*-Algebras. [09]
- Sara Arklint: A tribute to K_*(-;Z/n). [07]
- Rune Johansen: Operator Quantum Error Correction. [06]
- Jacob Thamsborg: Strømningsækvivalens for substitutionssystemer.
- Morten Bakkedal: IFS
og entropi. [06]
- Kenneth Rasmussen: Næstenkommuterende matricer. [04]
- Gunnar
Restorff: Cuntz-Krieger algebraer med idealer.
- Ole Lund Jensen: Symbolic dynamics and their invariants.
- Thomas Kammer Have: Skiftrum og deres anvendelse til datalagring. [01]
- Toke Meier Carlsen:
C*-algebras associated to general shift spaces. [01]
- Esben Mose Hansen:
Approksimation af topologiske rum.
- Simon Bremerskov
Jensen: Automorfier på AF algebraer. [97]
Bachelor theses
- Borris Einner Borch: Title pending. [22]
- Laura Lindbjerg Skovbæk: Kombinatorisk spilteori og Domineering. [22]
- Mark Hageman Welin: An introduction to CGT and Hackenbush. [22]
- Daniel Anders Wille Grunkin: Linking of Graded Formats. [22]
(Co-supervised with Lars Winther Christensen).
- Julie Gregersen: Semirings in F#. [22]
(Co-supervised with Ken Friis Larsen)
- Chris Søndergaard Gassner Nielsen: Topological Dynamical Systems and Crossed Products of C*-algebras. [20]
- Johan-Frederik Nielsen: Symbolsk dynamik og kodning. [19]
- Nikolaj Ingemann von Holck: An experimental approach to packing problems. [18]
- Søren Holst Hansen: The Liaupounov theorem. [18]
- Sebastian Blunt: Computing finite-state codes
for charge-constrained shift
spaces. [18]
- Ditte Gydov: Coding with shift spaces. [18]
- Jarl E.E. Munkstrup: The Perron-Frobenius Theorem and Applications. [17]
- Christian E.H. Buchter: Graph coloring. [17]
(Co-supervised with Michał
- Anja Liljedahl Christensen: Fatou- og Juliamængder. [16]
- Peter Michael Reichstein Rasmussen: Flow Equivalence of Shift Spaces. [15]
- Thomas Møller Nielsen: Kombinatorisk spilteori. [15]
- Jonas Meinertz Hansen: Fischer Covers of Sofic Beta-Shifts. [15]
- David Menéndez Auckland: The Perron-Frobenius Theorem and Applications. [13]
- Rasmus Mølck Nilsson: Væksttal for pyramidale strukturer. [12]
- Kristina Nørgård Larsen: Formelle sprog. [12]
- Mathias Bæk Tejs Knudsen: Lehmer's Totient Problem. [12]
- Sune Jakobsen: Barriers for deciding P=NP. [11]
(Co-supervised with Jakob Grue Simonsen)
- Brian Brost: Strømningsækvivalens af skift af endelig type. [11]
- Martin Zuziak: Perron-Frobenius teori. [09]
- Karina Elmose & Ditte Mølgaard Nielsen: En eksperimentel tilgang til strømningsækvivalens. [07]
- Kasper Sylvester Hansen & Niels Peter Meyn Milthers:
Visualisering af ikke-euklidisk geometri. [03]
- Dorthe Rossing Pedersen: Klassisk plangeometri i
gymnasiematematikken. [00]
- Christian Westergaard og Kenneth Rasmussen: Liapounovs sætning. [00]
- Esben Mose Hansen: Knudeteori. [99]
Ad hoc projects:
- Rasmus Veber Weiss Rasmussen: Chromatic Numbers for Contact Graphs for Isomorphic Boxes. [22]
- Nicolas Arnvig: The Delta function at points of moderate disciriminant [21]
- Sidsel Sarah Sandal Andersen & Helle Bertelsen: Cuntz-Krieger Algebras. [19]
- Emilie Mai Elkiær: K-theory for C*-algebras. [18]
- Michael Staal-Olsen: Classification of simple Cuntz-Krieger algebras. [17]
(Co-supervised with Kevin Brix)
- Malte Munk Karbo & Frederik Ravn Klausen: K-theory for C*-algebras. [18]
- Martin Stemann Madsen: Graph C*-algebras: Uniqueness theorems and ideal structure. [16]
(Co-supervised with Matias Lolk)
- Marcus Dorph de Chiffre: States, Representations and the Stone-Weierstrass Problem. [13]
- Mads Nielsen Thrane: Misere-spil. [12]
- Sune Kristian Jakobsen: Spectral numbers and α-spectral numbers. [12]
(Co-supervised with Jakob Grue Simonsen)
- Flemming von Essen: En øvre grænse for Klarners konstant. [10]
- Søren Bjerg Andersen: Entropi for dynamiske systemer. [09]
- Raffaele Rani: The Similary Dimension Formula. [09]
- Adam P.W. Sørensen: Semiprojektivitet for Kirchbergalgebraer. [08]
- Servet Dönmez: Frembringerfunktionologi. [08]
- Martin Damhus & Mathilde Schousboe: C*-dynamical systems
& crossed products. [06]
- Sara Arklint & Stefan Sommer: Multiplikatoralgebraer. [06]
- Rune Johansen: Rotationsalgebraer. [05]
- Jacob Thamsborg: Generating specials: The Zorro Algorithm.
- Klaus Kähler Holst: Billedbehandling. [04]
- Gunnar Restorff: Tensorprodukter i C*-algebrateori. [01]
- Thomas Have: Perron-Frobenius teori med anvendelser [00]
- Søren Boel & Toke Meier Carlsen: C*-ækvivalens af symbolske
dynamiske systemer [00]
- Ole Lund Jensen & Eik Kristensen: Stærk
skift-ækvivalens af 2x2 matricer. [00]
- Niels Richard Hansen: Topologisk og målteoretisk entropi. [00]
- Esben Mose Hansen: Lidt om dimension og kohomologi i generelle
topologiske rum. [00]
- Kasper Klinkby Sonne Andersen
& Jesper Grodal: Noncommutative topology - homotopy functors and
E-theory. [98]
Søren Eilers