Several strands of my research can be labelled homotopical group theory, and includes abstract approaches to classifying spaces (p-compact groups, p-local groups), maps between classifying spaces, group cohomology, group actions via homotopy fixed point methods, and generally the use of homotopy theory to study a range of algebraic questions.
I am Professor of Mathematics at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, where I'm currently also head of the Algebra & Geometry section, and a member of the DNRF Copenhagen Center for Geometry and Topology.
I gave an invited talk about some of my work at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad, India. I am a fellow of the American Mathematical Society (class of 2018), and an elected member of the Danish Royal Academy of Sciences and Letters.
I serve on the editorial boards of Acta Mathematica and Geometry & Topology. See also here.
I'm also serving as elected faculty member of the Board of the University of Copenhagen (2020-2027) as part of Involve the researchers!.
I got my Ph.D. from MIT in 2000. I spend the academic year 2000-2001 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and the summer 2001 at Paris XIII as a Clay Liftoff Fellow. In 2001 I moved to Univ. of Chicago as L.E. Dickson Instructor, and later Assistant Professor. I have been a professor at University of Copenhagen since 2006. I won an 2005 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship and have received NSF grants DMS-0104318 (2001-2004) and DMS-0354633 (2004-2007). I've been awarded a Ole Rømer Fellowship (2006-2010) from the Danish Resarch Council, along with their 2006 Young Elite Researcher prize. I also won a 2006 EURYI award (2007-2012) from the European Science Foundation. From 2010-19 I was director of the DNRF Centre for Symmetry and Deformation, funded by a 12 million euro grant from the DNRF. You can check out the final report.
While at Copenhagen, I've had sabbaticals of varying lengths at MSRI Berkeley (2008, 2014, 2018), IHES Bur-sur-Yvette (2012), HIM Bonn (2015, 2022), INI Cambridge (2018), and IAS Princeton (2021 virtual).
For copies of my papers see here. My work is reviewed on MathSciNet. My preprints are on the ArXiv. You can see my mathematical genealogy here.
Here is a detailed vita.