Submitted for publication

  1. Formality for algebroid stacks, Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest, Boris Tsygan,
  2. C*-Algebras over Topological Spaces: Filtrated K-Theory, Ralf Meyer, Ryszard Nest


  1. On Semi-Classical States of Quantum Gravity and Noncommutative Geometry, Johannes Aastrup, Jesper M. Grimstrup, Mario Paschke, Ryszard Nest , Communications in Mathematical Physics, Volume 302 (2011) Number 3, Pages 675-696
  2. Deformations of algebroid stacks, Paul Bressler, Alexander Gorokhovsky, Ryszard Nest, Boris Tsygan Advances in Mathematics, Volume 226, Issue 4, (2011), Pages 3018-3087
  3. Twisted cyclic theory, equivariant KK-theory and KMS states,  Alan. Carey, Sergey Neshveyev, Ryszard Nest, Adam Rennie, J. reine Angew. Math. 650 (2011), 161--191
  4. Homological algebra in bivariant K-theory and other triangulated categories I, Ralf Meyer and Ryszard Nest, in Triangulated Categories, London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series no. 375, 2010, 236-289
  5. Equivariant Poincaré duality for quantum group actions. Ryszard Nest, Christian Voigt ; Journal of Functional Analysis, Volume 258, Issue 5, 2010, Pages 1466-1503
  6. Index Theory for Boundary value problems via Continuous fields of C*-algebras, Aastrup, Johannes; Nest, Ryszard; Schrohe, Elmar; Journal of Functional Analysis, 2009 vol. 257 (8);
  7. A new spectral triple over a space of connections. / Nest, Ryszard ; Aastrup, Johannes ; Grimstrup, Jesper. I: Comm. Math. Physics 2009, Volume 290, Number 1,;
  8. C*-algebras over topological spaces, the bootstrap class, Nest, Ryszard ; Meyer, Ralf. : Müunster J. of Math. 2 (2009), 215–252
  9. Herve An analogue of Serre fibrations for C*-algebra bundles. Echterhoff, Siegfried; Nest, Ryszard; Oyono-Oyono,  Noncommutativity and singularities,  209--221, Adv. Stud. Pure Math., 55, Math. Soc. Japan, Tokyo, 2009.
  10. Fibrations with noncommutative fibers. / Nest, Ryszard ; Oyono Oyono, Herve ; Echterhoff, Siegfried. I: Journal of Non-Commutative Geometry, 2009 Vol. 3, (3), 377-417
  11. Holonomy loops, spectral triples and quantum gravity Johannes Aastrup , Jesper Møller Grimstrup and  Ryszard Nest,  Class. Quantum Grav. 26, 2009
  12. On Spectral Triples in Quantum Gravity II. / Aastrup, Johannes ; M. Grimstrup, Jesper ; Nest, Ryszard., Class. Quantum Grav. 26, 2009
  13. On Spectral Triples in Quantum Gravity I. / Aastrup, Johannes ; M. Grimstrup, Jesper ; Nest, Ryszard. I: Journal of Noncommutative Geometry. 2009 ; vol. 3, nr. 1, s. 47-81
  14. Chern character for twisted complexes. / Bressler, Paul ; Gorokhovsky, Alexander; Nest, Ryszard ; Tsygan, Boris. I: Progress in Mathematics. 2008 ; vol. 265, 2008.
  15. Principal noncommutative torus bundles. / Echterhoff, Siegfried ; Nest, Ryszard ; Oyono-Oyono, Herve. I: Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 2008 ;
  16. Deformations of Azumaya algebras. / Nest, Ryszard ; Bressler, Paul ; Gorokhovsky, Alexander Tsygan, Boris. I: Actas del XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra : 2008.
  17. Deformation quantization of gerbes , Paul Bressler Poul, Gorokhovsky Alexander, Nest Ryszard, Tsygan Boris; Adv. in Math. 2007
  18. An analogue of the Baum-Connes isomorphism for coactions of compact groups. / Nest, Ryszard ; Meyer, Ralf. I: Mathematica Scandinavica. 2007 ; vol. 100, nr. 2, s. 301-316
  19. A continuous field of C*-algebras and the tangent groupoid for manifolds with boundary  Aastrup, Johannes; Nest, Ryszard; Schrohe, Elmar;. J. Funct. Anal. 237 (2006), no. 2, 482--506.
  20. The Baum-Connes conjecture via localisation of categories. Meyer, Ralf; Nest, Ryszard; Topology 45 (2006), no. 2, 209--259.
  21. Remarks on modules over deformation quantization algebras. Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris; Mosc. Math. J. 4 (2004), no. 4, 911--940, 982.
  22. The Connes-Kasparov conjecture for almost connected groups and for linear p-adic groups  Chabert, Jérôme; Echterhoff, Siegfried; Nest, Ryszard. Publ. Math. Inst. Hautes Études Sci. No. 97 (2003), 239--278.
  23. C *-structure and K-theory of Boutet de Monvel's algebra. Melo, S. T.; Nest, R.; Schrohe, E. J. Reine Angew. Math. 561 (2003), 145--175.
  24. K-theory of Boutet de Monvel's algebra. Melo, Severino T; Nest, Ryszard; Schrohe, Elmar, Noncommutative geometry and quantum groups (Warsaw, 2001), 149--156, Banach Center Publ., 61, Polish Acad. Sci., Warsaw, 2003.
  25. The existence and stability of noncommutative scalar solitons Durhuus, Bergfinnur; Jonsson, Thordur; Nest, Ryszard. Comm. Math. Phys. 233 (2003), no. 1, 49--78.
  26. Riemann-Roch theorems via deformation quantization. I, II.  Bressler, P.; Nest, R.; Tsygan, B. Adv. Math. 167 (2002), no. 1, 1--25, 26--73.
  27. Deformations of symplectic Lie algebroids, deformations of holomorphic symplectic structures, and index theorems. Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris Asian J. Math. 5 (2001), no. 4, 599--635.
  28. Local formula for the index of a Fourier integral operator. Leichtnam, Eric; Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris J. Differential Geom. 59 (2001), no. 2, 269--300.
  29. The structure of the Brauer group and crossed products of  0(X)-linear group actions on  0(X, K). Echterhoff, Siegfried; Nest, Ryszard Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 353 (2001), no. 9, 3685--3712
  30. Noncommutative scalar solitons: existence and nonexistence. Nest, Ryszard, Durhuus, Bergfinnur; Jonsson, Thordur; Phys. Lett. B 500 (2001), no. 3-4, 320--325.
  31. Index of Γ-equivariant Toeplitz operators. Nest, Ryszard; Radulescu, Florin , C*-algebras (Münster, 1999), 151--160, Springer, Berlin, 2000.
  32. Spectral action and the Connes-Chamsedinne model. Noncommutative geometry and the standard model of elementary particle physics;  Nest, Ryszard; Vogt, Elmar; Werner, Wend (Hesselberg, 1999), 109--132, Lecture Notes in Phys., 596, Springer, Berlin, 2002.
  33. Topological approach to quantum surfaces.  Natsume, Toshikazu; Nest, Ryszard Comm. Math. Phys. 202 (1999), no. 1, 65--87. 
  34. On the cohomology ring of an algebra Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris. Advances in geometry, 337--370, Progr. Math., 172, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, MA, 1999. 
  35. Dixmier's trace for boundary value problems. Nest, Ryszard; Schrohe, Elmar Manuscripta Math. 96 (1998), no. 2, 203--218.
  36. Product structures in (cyclic) homology and their applications.   Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris Operator algebras and quantum field theory (Rome, 1996), 416--439, Int. Press, Cambridge, MA, 1997. 
  37. A Riemann-Roch type formula for the microlocal Euler class.  Bressler, P.; Nest, R.; Tsygan, B. Internat. Math. Res. Notices 1997, no. 20, 1033--1044.
  38. Fukaya type categories for associative algebras. Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris The Deformation theory and symplectic geometry (Ascona, 1996), 285--300, Math. Phys. Stud., 20, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1997. 
  39. The Atiyah-Singer index theorem as passage to the classical limit in quantum mechanics.  Elliott, George A.; Natsume, Toshikazu; Nest, Ryszard Comm. Math. Phys. 182 (1996), no. 3, 505--533. 
  40. Formal deformations of symplectic manifolds with boundary. Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris J. Reine Angew. Math. 481 (1996), 27--54.
  41. Formal versus analytic index theorems.   Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris Internat. Math. Res. Notices 1996, no. 11, 557--564.
  42. Irreducible inclusions of factors, multiplicative unitaries, and Kac algebras.   Enock, Michel; Nest, Ryszard , J. Funct. Anal. 137 (1996), no. 2, 466--543.
  43. Algebraic index theorem.   Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris, Comm. Math. Phys. 172 (1995), no. 2, 223--262.
  44. Algebraic index theorem for families.   Nest, Ryszard; Tsygan, Boris  Adv. Math. 113 (1995), no. 2, 151--205. 
  45. The local structure of the cyclic cohomology of Heisenberg Lie groups. Natsume, T.; Nest, R. J. Funct. Anal. 119 (1994), no. 2, 481--498.
  46. The Heisenberg group and K-theory.  Elliott, George A.; Natsume, Toshikazu; Nest, Ryszard, K-Theory 7 (1993), no. 5, 409--428. 
  47. Topological quantum field theories from generalized 6j-symbols Durhuus, Bergfinnur; Jakobsen, Hans Plesner; Nest, Ryszard. Rev. Math. Phys. 5 (1993), no. 1, 1--67.
  48. Topological field theories from quantum 6j-symbols.  Durhuus, Bergfinnur; Jakobsen, Hans P.; Nest, Ryszard Topological and geometrical methods in field theory (Turku, 1991), 121--134, World Sci. Publ., River Edge, NJ, 1992.
  49. A construction of topological quantum field theories from 6j-symbols.   Durhuus, B.; Jakobsen, Hans P.; Nest, R. Random surfaces and $2$D quantum gravity (Barcelona, 1991). Nuclear Phys. B Proc. Suppl. 25A (1992), 109--121.
  50. The cyclic homology of algebras with adjoined unit.   Elliott, George A.; Nest, Ryszard; Rørdam, Mikael Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 113 (1991), no. 2, 389--395.
  51. The cyclic cohomology of compact Lie groups and the direct sum formula Natsume, Toshikazu; Nest, Ryszard. J. Operator Theory 23 (1990), no. 1, 43--50.
  52. Cyclic cohomology of noncommutative tori.  Nest, Ryszard Canad. J. Math. 40 (1988), no. 5, 1046--1057.
  53. Cyclic cohomology of crossed products with Z.  Nest, Ryszard J. Funct. Anal. 80 (1988), no. 2, 235--283.
  54. Cyclic cohomology for one-parameter smooth crossed products. Elliott, G. A.; Natsume, T.; Nest, R. . Acta Math. 160 (1988), no. 3-4, 285--305. 
  55. On the classification of noncommutative tori. III. Brenken, Berndt; Cuntz, Joachim; Elliott, George A.; Nest, Ryszard Operator algebras and mathematical physics (Iowa City, Iowa, 1985), 503--526, Contemp. Math., 62, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1987. 
  56. Quantum-mechanical flux band dynamics of a superconducting weak link constriction ring. Prance H, Spiller TP, Mutton JE, et al. Physics Letters A 115 (3): 125-131 MAR 31 1986  
  57. Localisation of pair charge states in a superconducting weak link constriction ring. Prance RJ, Clark TD, MuttonN JE, et al. Physics Letters A 107 (3): 133-138 1985  
  58. Charge band behaviour in a superconducting weak link driven by a normal Faraday law voltage source. Prance H, Prance RJ, Spiller TP, et al. Physics Letters A 111 (4) 1985, 199-204
  59. On the possibility of detecting solar neutrinos with an IN-115 detector. Drukier, A.K., Nest, Ryszard;  Nuclear instruments & methods in physics, Research section A - Accelerators spectrometers detectors and associated instruments, 1985, 239 (3): 605-622