Master Students of J.P. Solovej

  1. Jakob Juhl Stubgaard (Finished Aug. 2001)
  2. Steen Henriksen (Finished Apr. 2002)
  3. Dan Rasmussen (Finished Apr. 2003)
  4. Troels Windfeldt Hansen (Finished Aug. 2004)
  5. Asger Jacobsen (Finished Sept. 2005)
  6. Patrick Lincoln (Finished Oct. 2007)
  7. Anders Dybdahl Bluhme (Finished Nov. 2007)
  8. Jens Christian Jørgensen (Finished Feb. 2008)
  9. Stefan Sommer (Finished Oct. 2008)
  10. Kirsten Andersen (Finished Aug. 2009)
  11. Kim Petersen (Finished April. 2010)
  12. Morten Hornbech (Finished April 2010)
  13. Niels Vorgaard Christensen (Finished May 2010)
  14. Thomas Heide Jørgensen (Finished June 2010)
  15. Pauline Karlsson (Finished Dec. 2010)
  16. Lars Lindqvist (Finished Sept. 2011)
  17. Isak W. Mottelson (Finished Oct. 2012)
  18. Julie Pedersen (Finished Oct. 2012)
  19. Toke Bjerge Nørbjerg (Finished Jan. 2013)
  20. Thomas Augris (Finished February 2014)
  21. Jonas Dahlbæk (Finished April 2014)
  22. Birger Brietzke (Finished July 2014)
  23. Mikel Agirre (Finished August 2014)
  24. Maja Andersen (Finished June 2015)
  25. Nilin Abrahamsen (Finished August 2015)
  26. Mads Bonde Raad (Finished May 2016)
  27. Solgerd Johnsdottir Færø (Finished June 2016)
  28. Børge Laursen (Finished August 2016)
  29. Sarah Andersen (Finished December 2016)
  30. Signe Bang Baggesen (Finished August 2018)
  31. Asbjørn Bækgaard Lauritsen (Finished 2020)
  32. Kasper Rask Jensen (Finished January 2024)
  33. Mia Megan Fox (Finished June 2024)
  34. Adam Alexander Clark Bæk (Finished June 2024)
  35. Garbiñe Cid Ruiz (Finished June 2024)

Ph.D. Students of J.P. Solovej

  1. Thomas Østergaard Sørensen (Graduated Oct 1998)
  2. Søren Fournais, (Graduated Nov 1999)
  3. Phan Thanh Nam (Graduated October 2011)
  4. Kim Petersen (Graduated January 2014)
  5. Mathias Makedonski (Graduated December 2014) (supported by the Danish council for independent research and the Lundbeck foundation)
  6. Robin Reuvers (Graduated December 2016) (supported by the ERC)
  7. Birger Brietzke (Graduated 2017) (partially supported by the ERC)
  8. Anton Samojlow (Graduated 2018) (partially supported by the ERC)
  9. Sabiha Tokus(Graduated 2021) (partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  10. Marie Fialova (Graduated 2022, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  11. Johannes Agerskov Schiødt (Graduated 2023, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  12. August Andersen Bjerg (Graduated 2024, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  13. Tommaso Aschieri (Current, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  14. Martin Dam Larsen (Current, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  15. Garbiñe Cid Ruiz (Current, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)

Post-Docs with J.P. Solovej

  1. Pedro Balodis Matesanz (EU TMR Post-doc, 1996-1998)
  2. Wolfgang Spitzer (EU TMR Post-doc, 1998-2000)
  3. David Hasler (EU IHP Post-doc, 2002-2003)
  4. Christian Hainzl (EU IHP Post-doc, 2004-2005)
  5. Mathieu Lewin (EU IHP Post-doc, 2004-2005)
  6. Natalie Gilka (Postdoc supported by DAAD, 2008-2010)
  7. Douglas Lundholm (2010-11, supported by the danish council for independent research)
  8. Fabian Portmann (2014-2016, partially supported by the ERC)
  9. Jeremy Sok (2014-17, partially supported by the ERC and the Villum foundation)
  10. Giacomo De Palma (2016-2019, partially supported by the Villum Foundation and Marie Curie fellowship)
  11. Niels Benedikter (2015-2017, partially supported by ERC and the Villum Foundation)
  12. Laurent Betermin (2017-2019, supported by the Villum Foundation)
  13. Lukas Schimmer (2017-2020, Supported by the Villum Foundation)
  14. Lucas Hackl (2019-2021, supported by the Villum Foundation)
  15. Alex Bols (2019-2022, supported by the Villum Foundation)
  16. Błażej T. Ruba (2022-, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)
  17. Peter Hearnshaw (2023-, partially supported by the Villum Foundation)