Ansatte ved Institut for Matematiske Fag – Københavns Universitet

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Institut for Matematiske Fag > Ansatte > Uffe Haagerup

Publications 1975 - 1979

  1. U. Haagerup, The standard form of von Neumann algebras, Math. Scand. 37, 271-285 (1975).

  2. U. Haagerup, Normal weights on W*-algebras, Journ. Funct. Analysis 19, 302-317 (1975).

  3. U. Haagerup, Operator valued weights and crossed products, Symposia Math. 20,241-251 (1976).

  4. U. Haagerup, An example of a weight with type III centralizer, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 67, 278-280 (1977).

  5. O. Bratteli and U. Haagerup, Unbounded derivations and invariant states, Comm. Math. Phys. 59, 79-95 (1978).

  6. U. Haagerup, Les Meilleurs constantes de l'inequalite de Khintchine, Comptes Rendus de l'academie de Science de Paris, Serie A, 286, 259-262 (1978).

  7. U. Haagerup, On the dual weights for crossed products of von Neumann algebras I, Math. Scand. 43, 99-118 (1978).

  8. U. Haagerup, On the dual weights for crossed products of von Neumann algebras II, Math. Scand. 43, 119-140 (1978).

  9. U. Haagerup, Operator valued weights in von Neumann algebras I, Journ. Funct. Analysis 32, 175-206 (1979).

  10. U. Haagerup, Operator valued weights in von Neumann algebras II, Journ. Funct. Analysis 33, 339-361 (1979).

  11. U. Haagerup, Lp-spaces associated with an arbirary von Neumann algebra, pp. 175-185 in "Algebres d'operateurs et leurs applications en Physicue Mathematique", Edition CNRS 1979. (1979).

  12. U. Haagerup, An example of a non-nuclear C*-algebra, which has the metric approximation property, Inventiones Math. 50, 279-293 (1979).

  13. U. Haagerup, A density theorem for left Hilbert algebras, pp. 170-180 in "Algebres d'operateurs", Lecture Notes in Mathematics 725, Springer Verlag 1979. (1979).