K-theory for C*-algebras
K-theory for C*-algebras
- Authors: Kasper K.S. Andersen and Jesper Grodal
- Date: May 1995.
- Status: Accepted.
- Pages: 38.
- You can get a copy of our project (in Danish) by clicking below:
Abstract: This is one of our Graduate projects from the
University of Copenhagen. It is written under the supervision of Professor
Gert K. Pedersen.
We introduce the definitions of K-theory for C*-algebras, only assuming that
the reader is familiar with the fundamentals of C*-algebra theory. We prove
all the fundamental properties of the K-functor including Cuntz's proof of
Bott periodic stressing throughout a functorial approach.
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<jg@math.ku.dk>/April 8, 1997.