Niels Martin Møller

Niels Martin Møller

Associate Professor of Mathematics w/ Full Professor-Track
GeoTop - Copenhagen Center of Geometry and Topology
Department of Mathematical Sciences (MATH), H.C. Ørsted Institute at SCIENCE
University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, DK-2100 Denmark
Email: nmoller[Q]math[,]ku[,]dk | Office: Room 04.4.14.
URL: | KU profile page

Welcome to my page at University of Copenhagen, where I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics on the Promotion Programme (Full Professor-Track), working on geometry and partial differential equations. I received my PhD degree in Mathematics from MIT, with T.H. Colding as PhD advisor, and I was subsequently employed as Instructor at Princeton University. I'm a cofounder and Co-PI of GeoTop - The Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology, a large initiative starting in 2020, via funding from the Danish National Research Foundation's centers of excellence program. I'm also an Associate Member of the QMATH center.

In 2017, I was selected as one of 7 new members across Danish sciences & humanities to join the Young Academy under the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, and elected Vice-Chair 2021-2022, resulting in many activities in outreach and science policy.

Research group members at U Copenhagen, funded by the DNRF (GeoTop), DFF-Sapere Aude, MATH/UCPH, and soon also The Carlsberg Foundation (ordered by date of hire, updated 12/2023):
- Alexander Everest Mramor (Postdoc, 2022-)
- Eric Ling (Postdoc, 2023-)
- Priya Kaveri (PhD student, 2023-)
- Harish Upadhyaya (PhD student, 2023-)

Past group members:
- Ali Jabbar Muhammad (PhD 10/2023, prev. MSc in the group) [A.J. Muhammad's doctoral thesis (.PDF)]
- Jingxuan Zhang (PhD, 6/2023) [J. Zhang's doctoral thesis (.PDF)]
- John Man Shun Ma (Postdoc, 2020-23)
- Alexander Friedrich (Postdoc, 2019-2021)
- Felix Lubbe (Postdoc, 2019-2021)]
- Francesco Chini (PhD, 2/2020) [F. Chini's doctoral thesis (.PDF)]
- Johan Klemmensen (MSc joint w/ LMU Munich, 6/2021)
- Rasmus Johansen Jouttijarvi (MSc, 9/2020)
- Martin Ravn Christiansen (MSc, 3/2019)

We're hiring at MATH, U Copenhagen:
[GeoTop jobs]
--> Deadlines: November 2024 (PhD fellowships), November 2024 (Postdoc fellowships).

Some YouTube videos of recent lectures from a school given at the 4th Geometric Analysis Festival (South Korea, October 2021): Courses in differential geometry, Riemannian geometry and partial differential equations at U Copenhagen: Upcoming/recent events I've (helped) organize and/or fund: For those interested in geometric analysis, there now is a community facebook page - many more activities in the field worldwide are posted there:
Geometric Analysis: Past, Present and Future

If you're looking for mathematics for a wider audience, visit this subpage:
Page at Mathematics Genealogy Project
Mathematics at MIT
Mathematics at Princeton
Mathematics at ICTP
MSRI at UC Berkeley
MATH at U Copenhagen
GeoTop - The Copenhagen Centre for Geometry and Topology