Time | June 24th Lundbeck Auditorium | Room 4-0-24 | June 25th Lundbeck Auditorium | Room 4-0-24 |
June 26th Lundbeck Auditorium | Room 4-0-24 |
08:45-09:00 | Opening remarks | |||||
09:00-10:00 | Keynote lecture: Nicolas Brunel Fixed point attractors, chaos and sequences in networks with unsupervised Hebbian plasticity rules | Keynote lecture: Stefan Treue The neurophysiology of visual attention - quantitative approaches to the shaping of sensation into perception | Keynote lecture: Eva Löcherbach Short term plasticity and short term memory in systems of spiking neurons | |||
10:00-10:30 | Plenary talk: Carino Curto Dynamically relevant motifs in inhibition-dominated networks | Plenary talk: Rachel Nicks Clusters in nonsmooth oscillator networks | Plenary talk: Diego Vidaurre Characterising the temporal dynamics of stimulus processing through unconstrained decoding | |||
10:30-11:00 | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | |||
11:00-11:20 | Emilie Soret: Asymptotic behaviour of a network of neurons with random linear interactions | Andre Longtin: Data-driven estimation of drift-diffusion-jump neural processes. | Yoram Baram: Circuit Polarity Effect of Cortical Connectivity, Activity and Memory | Skirmantas Janusonis: Quantitative Analysis of Stochastic Axon Systems | Angelo Di Garbo: Firing properties of a resonate-and-fire neural model with periodic forcing and noise | Mustafa Zeki: Communication Between Time Cells Leads to the Linear Increase of Noise |
11:25-11:45 | Romain Veltz: Dynamics of a mean field limit of interacting 2D nonlinear stochastic spiking neurons | Antoni Guillamon: A computational strategy to estimate synaptic conductances in spiking regimes | Pake Melland: Using dynamic neural fields to examine loci of plasticity in supervised and unsupervised auditory category learning. | Victor Matveev: Accuracy of Mass-Action vs Stochastic Modeling of Calcium-Dependent Vesicle Release | Bastian Pietras: Neuronal firing rate models with electrical and chemical synapses | Gemma Huguet: Mathematical tools for phase control and their role in neural communication |
11:50-12:10 | Samuel Muscinelli: Shaping chaotic dynamics and signal transmission by single neuron properties in random neural networks | Ryota Kobayashi: A method for estimating synaptic connections from parallel spike trains | Tatyana Turova: Percolation on dynamical random graphs provides a model for defining synaptic connections | Nataliya Kraynyukova: The impact of mRNA localization on dendritic protein distribution and its dynamics | Anca Radulescu: Predicting dynamics from hardwiring in canonical low-dimensional coupled networks | Zachary Kilpatrick: Analyzing dynamic decision models using differential Chapman-Kolmogorov equations |
12:15-12:35 | Tilo Schwalger: Hazard rate approach to spiking neural networks with background noise | Laura Sacerdote: Copulas and shuffles as statistical tools to recognize hidden dependences between neurons stimulated by periodic signals | Leonid Rubchinsky: Spike-timing-dependent plasticity effect on the patterns of neural synchrony | Massimiliano Tamborrino: Shot Noise, diffusion limits and suitable approximations | Aine Byrne: A neural circuit model for learning a beat | Rune Berg: Sparse network connectivity revealed from physiology: What pairwise intracellular recordings can tell us about motor circuits |
12:35-14:00 | Lunch | Lunch Group photo at 13:45 | Lunch | |||
14:00-14:20 | James MacLaurin: Wandering bumps in a stochastic neural field: a variational approach | Lubomir Kostal: Coordinate invariance as a constraint on the mutual information decomposition | Poster session | Poster prize | ||
14:25-14:45 | Daniele Avitabile: This is not a bump | Kresimir Joric: Optimal evidence accumulation on social networks | Poster session | Fabian Pallasdies: Synfire Chain-Like Activity Underlies Swimming and Turning of the Scyphozoan Jellyfish Aurelia aurita | Claudius Gros: The mathematics of self-organized neurobots | |
14:50-15:10 | Priscilla Greenwood: Stochastic neural field with smoothed noise | Roberto Barrio: Insect movement gaits: neuron model, CPG and pattern bifurcations | Poster session | Matias Calderini: Slow coordinated fluctuations in neural activity in a balanced cortical network | Manu Kalia: A biophysical model for the tripartite synapse under metabolic stress | |
15:15-15:35 | Stephen Coombes: Pattern formation in biological neural networks with rebound currents | Antonio E Teruel: Annihilation phenomenon in a PWL version of the FitzHugh-Nagumo system | Poster session | Selma Souihel: Anticipation in the retina and the primary visual cortex : towards an integrated retino-cortical model for motion processing | Oleg Maslennikov: Collective dynamics in complex networks of discrete-time model neurons | |
15:35-16:00 | Coffee break | Coffee break | Coffee break | |||
16:00-16:30 | Plenary talk: Anton M. Unakafov Strategies used by humans and monkeys in transparent coordination games | Plenary talk: Katie Morrison Emergent sequences from recurrent network motifs | Plenary talk: Kenneth Harris High-dimensional geometry of population responses in visual cortex | |||
16:30-17:00 | Plenary talk: Guillaume Lajoie Learning to control muscles with a brain-computer interface: a hierarchical and adaptive algorithm to optimally explore neural maps | Plenary talk: Peter Thomas Dissecting Molecular Contributions to Interspike Interval Variability in Conductance-Based Neural Models via Stochastic Shielding | Plenary talk: James Rankin Periodic forcing of auditory bistability: modelling and experiments | |||
17:00-19:00 | Welcome reception | Closing remarks | ||||
18:00-22:00 | Conference dinner at Nørrebro Bryghus |
Nicolas Brunel
Eva Löcherbach
Stefan Treue