H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
The Q-shaped derived category of a ring – compact and perfect objects,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.
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H. Holm and S. Odabasi,
The tensor embedding for a Grothendieck cosmos,
Sci. China Math.
66 (2023), no. 11, 2471–2494.
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
The Q-shaped derived category of a ring,
J. London Math. Soc. (2)
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O. Celikbas and H. Holm,
On modules with self Tor vanishing,
Comm. Algebra
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Model categories of quiver representations,
Adv. Math.
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Cotorsion pairs in categories of quiver representations,
Kyoto J. Math.
59 (2019), no. 3, 575–606.
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R. H. Bak and H. Holm,
Computations of atom spectra,
Math. Nachr. 292 (2019), 694–708.
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G. Dalezios, S. Estrada, and H. Holm,
Quillen equivalences for stable categories,
J. Algebra 501 (2018), 130–149.
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O. Celikbas and H. Holm,
Equivalences from tilting theory and commutative algebra from the adjoint...,
New York J. Math. 23 (2017), 1697–1721.
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H. Holm,
The structure of balanced big Cohen–Macaulay modules over Cohen–Macaulay rings,
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H. Holm,
The category of maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules as a ring with several objects,
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H. Holm,
A note on transport of algebraic structures,
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H. Holm,
Approximations by maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules,
Pacific J. Math.
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H. Holm,
K-groups for rings of finite Cohen–Macaulay type,
Forum Math.
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L. W. Christensen and H. Holm,
The direct limit closure of perfect complexes,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
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L. W. Christensen and H. Holm,
Vanishing of cohomology over Cohen–Macaulay rings,
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Rings without a Gorenstein analogue of the Govorov–Lazard theorem,
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H. Holm,
Construction of totally reflexive modules from an exact pair of zero divisors,
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H. Holm,
Modules with cosupport and injective functors,
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L. W. Christensen and H. Holm,
Algebras that satisfy Auslander's condition on vanishing of cohomology,
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Cotorsion pairs induced by duality pairs,
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E. E. Enochs and H. Holm,
Cotorsion pairs associated with Auslander categories,
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L. W. Christensen and H. Holm,
Ascent properties of Auslander categories,
Canad. J. Math. 61 (2009), no. 1, 76–108.
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Covers, precovers, and purity,
Illinois J. Math. 52 (2008), no. 2, 691–703.
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H. Holm,
Relative Ext groups, resolutions, and Schanuel classes,
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H. Holm and D. White,
Foxby equivalence over associative rings,
J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 47 (2007), no. 4, 781–808.
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Compactly generated homotopy categories,
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Cohen–Macaulay homological dimensions,
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H. Holm and P. Jørgensen,
Semi-dualizing modules and related Gorenstein homological dimensions,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 205 (2006), no. 2, 423–445.
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L. W. Christensen, A. Frankild, and H. Holm,
On Gorenstein projective, injective and flat dimensions...,
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H. Holm,
Rings with finite Gorenstein injective dimension,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 132 (2004), no. 5, 1279–1283.
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H. Holm,
Gorenstein derived functors,
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H. Holm,
Gorenstein homological dimensions,
J. Pure Appl. Algebra 189 (2004), no. 1, 167–193.